Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Republican Caleb Foshee announces candidacy for SD17

Businessman Caleb Foshee Announces Candidacy for State Senator Serving Eastern Oklahoma and Northern Pottawatomie Counties

[February 4th, 2020] Caleb Foshee announces his candidacy on the Republican ticket for the State Senate seat currently held by Sen. Ron Sharp.

“I am pleased and honored to announce my candidacy to serve Senate District 17. Eastern
Oklahoma and Northern Pottawatomie Counties deserve someone who will fight for them on all
fronts, including student centered solutions in education and less government regulations in
order to spur economic development.”

Caleb Foshee, the Chief Operating Officer at a commercial/industrial electrical contracting
company was previously a Command HR Director for the US Air Force and a Regional HR
Director for the Indian Health Service. “I’ve dealt with the clutter and bureaucracy of government
service and in my current job I feel the impact to businesses and their employees due to
government regulations and reporting. We need to take the handcuffs off of the largest job
creators in our state - small business owners.”

“If elected, my first priority will be to take a holistic approach in representing the district. I do not
intend to be a single-issue legislator who becomes known for being entangled in one issue, at
the expense of my constituents being served on all issues that personally and district-wide
affect them.”

“Another pillar of my campaign is that every life is precious, from conception to natural death.
This includes both babies and elders, but also includes people like single mothers, the poor, and
veterans who might be struggling with mental health issues. Every person’s dignity must be

“We need a new generation of Patriots who will take a stand to protect our individual rights.
There is currently legislation in the Capitol that seeks to repeal Constitutional Carry and
otherwise limit our right to bear arms. This will only affect law abiding citizens - not those who
perpetrate gun violence.”

Caleb Foshee grew up in Eastern Oklahoma County, graduating from Jones High School in
1998 and from Oklahoma State University in 2003. He is also a proud member of the Choctaw
Nation of Oklahoma. Caleb, his wife of 16 years, Britton, and their four children reside in

For more information, visit his Facebook page or
