Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Proposed "Trump Highway" moved to Panhandle, bill passes committee

Remember several weeks back when State Sens. Nathan Dahm and Marty Quinn authored bills to rename a portion of Route 66 after President Trump and create Make America Great Again/Keep America Great license plates? There's some new news on those bills.

Both have had some significant changes, and both passed out of the Senate Transportation Committee yesterday.

SB1089 originally was going to name a several mile stretch of Route 66 in Ottawa County the President Donald J. Trump Highway. There was significant pushback from local elected officials who decried the effort. The location of the highway renaming has been moved from the far northeast corner of the state to the far northwest corner, to a 20-mile section of Highway 287 in Cimarron County.

ALTHOUGH.... I just noticed a potential problem with the Committee Substitute. It specifies State Highway 287 at Boise City. There is no State Highway 287 in Oklahoma. There is a U.S. Highway 287, which is the road they intended. Probably needs amending again if they want signs to actually go up.

The measure passed the Senate Transportation committee by a 5-4 vote.

The other bill authored by Dahm and Quinn originally created two new Trump campaign-themed license plates, a Make America Great Again plate and a Keep America Great plate. Sen. Dahm reports that both plates have now been combined into a single America First license plate.

SB1384 passed the Transportation committee with an 8-1 vote.
