Friday, February 14, 2020

DA supports Haskell County Sheriff's Second Amendment Sanctuary declaration

Well, this week has certainly been an active one regarding Second Amendment issues in Oklahoma.

First, on Wednesday, Logan County Sheriff Damon Devereaux declared Logan County to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary County, vowing to uphold the Second Amendment and refusing to enforce any act or order that infringes upon it. Anti-gun State Rep. Jason Lowe (D-OKC), who led the effort to repeal Constitutional Carry, decried the move.

Then, yesterday, Stephens County Sheriff Wayne McKinney followed suit, adding his county as the second Sanctuary County in Oklahoma.

The floodgates opened today. Canadian County joined. Bryan County joined. Haskell County joined. Pittsburg County joined. Others will be doing likewise in the coming days, I'm sure.

Adding to the list is Chuck Sullivan, District Attorney for Haskell and Pittsburg counties. He lent his support in the following letter sent to Haskell County Sheriff Tim Turner:
