Tuesday, February 4, 2020

GOP leaders react to Stitt's State of the State

Speaker McCall Comments on Gov. Stitt's State of the State Address

House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, today issued the following statement in response to Gov. Kevin Stitt’s 2020 State of the State speech:

 “We appreciate Governor Stitt setting big goals in our shared pursuit of maintaining and growing the positive momentum in Oklahoma. Our Caucus likes the bold vision the governor cast to do things differently in Oklahoma, and our job now is to dig into the details. Expect swift action in areas where we come to agreement, and in areas where we differ, we will have a civil discourse about what’s best for Oklahoma. I anticipate another highly-productive, meaningful session. The House looks forward to working with Governor Stitt and the Senate to close out the 57th Legislature as strongly as we started it.” – House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka

Senate GOP leaders comment on Governor’s state of the state address

OKLAHOMA CITY – Republicans leaders in the Oklahoma Senate released the following comments regarding Governor Kevin Stitt’s 2020 state of the state address:

“I commend Governor Stitt’s positive message and appreciate the vision he laid out of how we advance toward the goal of becoming a top 10 state,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City. “Governor Stitt’s commitment to modernizing state government and cutting red tape is welcomed at the Capitol. Senate Republicans look forward to partnering with the governor and the House on ways to make government more customer-focused and responsive to taxpayers.”

“The Legislature took some positive steps last year to give the state’s chief executive the ability to truly run the executive branch of government. I appreciated Governor Stitt’s ideas on more agency consolidation. This is another way we can save tax dollars and make government more responsive and Senate Republicans look forward to working with the governor and the House on this issue,” said Senate Majority Floor Leader Kim David, R-Porter.

“Taxpayer dollars are a finite and precious resource, so we want to make sure they are maximized to benefit the most Oklahomans. Senate Republicans have been crunching the numbers on this budget since last summer. We appreciate the governor’s budget plan and look forward to working with him and the House as we develop a balanced budget that benefits all Oklahomans,” said Senator Roger Thompson, R-Okemah and chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

from MuskogeePolitico.com