Thursday, October 10, 2019

State Sen. Joseph Silk launches 2nd District congressional bid

State Senator Joseph Silk announces run for U.S. Congress

Silk set to run for Oklahoma Congressional District 2 in eastern Oklahoma in 2020 election

 It has been an honor to have served the good people of State Senate District 5 in southeast Oklahoma the past 5 years. Although very difficult and frustrating at times, my family and I have been blessed with many new friendships and support along the way. I believe I have represented those who elected me well, and even though some of the things we tried to accomplish for Senate District 5 and the State of Oklahoma were not completed, many things were and I am grateful to have played a part in it.

With the current leadership in the Oklahoma Legislature, Oklahomans have a tough road ahead. Unfortunately, even though republicans have a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the vast majority of them are very liberal and fall in line with the establishment instead of being champions for true constitutional, conservative ideals. By the time grassroots Oklahomans weed them out and replace them with actual Statesmen and Stateswomen, I will be term limited.

After much thought, seeking counsel, and prayer, I have come to the conclusion my energy and efforts will be best be utilized elsewhere therefore I will not be seeking re-election to the Oklahoma State Senate. Instead, I will be filing to run for U.S. Congressional District 2 here in eastern Oklahoma.

We as conservatives must change the way engage in the political arena. We have settled for status quo legislators who say one thing and then do nothing. We must demand that our government officials stop playing politics and actually take action on protecting individual freedoms and upholding the Constitution.

 If we continue down the road of electing and re-electing legislators who have no history of aggressively attacking current issues, our country will not be recognizable in the future. It is for that reason, that my family and I will sacrifice and press on through the political landscape in order to fight for a country that future generations can enjoy.

You can follow our campaign for U.S. Congress at .
