Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Bice raises $168k in 3rd Quarter for 5th District campaign

Stephanie Bice for Congress Raises $168,000 in Third Quarter

OKLAHOMA CITY (October 15, 2019)  - Stephanie Bice, conservative Republican candidate for Congress in Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District, has raised more than $350,000 from more than 1600 individual donors in just over five months. Bice raised $168,000 in the third quarter.

More than 91 percent of Bice’s contributions came from Oklahoma.

The totals include no loans from the candidate and the campaign remains debt-free. 

“I’m grateful to the more than 1,600 Oklahomans who have invested in our campaign,” Bice said. “It’s clear voters are ready to elect new Republican leadership to Congress. I appreciate their trust in me and share the goal to put an end to the dysfunction and inaction in Washington.”

Bice for Congress campaign manager Matt Blubaugh said the campaign’s 3rd quarter fundraising is no surprise to those on the ground in the district.

The National Journal recently named the fifth congressional district as the number one most likely House seat to change party hands in 2020. The Washington Post rated it as the second race most likely to flip.

Democrats in Oklahoma, including prominent Oklahoma City campaign consultant Cassi Peters, have noted that Stephanie Bice has the best chance of all the candidates running to defeat Kendra Horn. In Sunday’s Oklahoman, Peters acknowledged that Bice “could give (incumbent Democrat Kendra) Horn the biggest general election challenge.”

Bice is a life-long resident of Oklahoma’s Fifth Congressional District and has a proven track record of supporting Oklahoma’s conservative ideals with her votes as an Oklahoma State Senator.

from MuskogeePolitico.com