Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Eye doctors: non-prescription Halloween-themed contact lenses can be dangerous

Eye Doctors: Non-Prescription, Halloween-Themed Contact Lenses Can Be Dangerous

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma’s eye doctors are warning their communities against using illegal, non-prescription color contacts as accessories in Halloween costumes. Research shows these products are often contaminated and can damage vision health.

In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration published a study revealing that a majority of unapproved, counterfeit contact lenses tested positive for the kinds of microbial contamination frequently found in hospital wastewater or spoiled food. The lenses, which are federally banned for sale by the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumer Act, are frequently obtained illegally in novelty stores, tattoo parlors, flea markets and internet marketplaces.

“Decorative lenses might seem like a cool costume addition, but the reality is they can be dangerous,” said Dr. Selina McGee, an Edmond optometrist and the president of the Oklahoma Association of Optometric Physicians. “This isn’t like wearing makeup; you are putting something in direct contact with your cornea for several hours. The lens can be contaminated, or your eyes can react poorly for any number of reasons. It is really important that anyone who believes they need contacts see an optometrist and then purchase a legitimate product that they have a prescription for.”

Oklahomans can find an optometrist near them at OAOP.org.

from MuskogeePolitico.com