Thursday, October 17, 2019

[] OKGOP chair and vice chair call for each other to resign

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Excerpts and links to the full article are below: [Excerpt] Oh boy. The OKGOP chairmanships since the 'golden age' of Gary Jones and Matt Pinnell have pretty much been Dysfunction Junction, but none have resulted in something quite like this. [Excerpt] After closing books on fundraising in the third quarter, Kevin Hern announced this morning that he raised over $300,000 during the July-September fundraising period, indicating powerful support for his re-election campaign. [Excerpt] Stephanie Bice, conservative Republican candidate for Congress in Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District, has raised more than $350,000 from more than 1600 individual donors in just over five months. Bice raised $168,000 in the third quarter. [Excerpt] The State Constitution pointedly disqualifies felons from holding a legislative seat. If Davis is convicted of a felony, he will be removed from office. [Excerpt] This week's Music Monday is the theme song to the old television show Batman. My kids are obsessed with the show, and love racing around the house to this song. [Excerpt] Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat on Friday announced his appointment of Rick Nagel of Norman to the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC). [Excerpt] If standing on Biblical beliefs and teachings means losing tax-exempt status, then so be it. "We ought to obey God rather than men", the apostles told the authorities of their day when they were told to stop preaching the truth of God.
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