Thursday, October 3, 2019

House Judiciary Chair Kannady working with State Chamber on compromise tort reform legislation

House Judiciary Chair to Explore Non-Economic Damage Caps with Guidance from State Chamber

OKLAHOMA CITY – After the Oklahoma Supreme Court issued its ruling in Beason v. I.E. Miller Services, Inc., striking down non-economic damage caps, House Judiciary Chair Christopher L. Kannady (R-Oklahoma City) sought input from all stakeholders to work on compromise legislation to move Oklahoma forward.

Chairman Kannady reached out to the State Chamber of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State Medical Association, and Oklahoma Association for Justice, amongst others. 

 “The State Chamber of Oklahoma worked closely with Chairman Kannady last year on workers’ compensation and other legal reform measures,” said President and CEO of the State Chamber of Oklahoma Fred Morgan. “We look forward to continuing that work during the upcoming session in order to achieve long-term solutions for the business community.”

“It appears that certain stakeholders have no interest in working on a compromise,” Kannady said. “Thus, I will move forward exploring options with stakeholders who are interested in advancing Oklahoma.
