Friday, May 8, 2020

OCPA column: Voter ID is a good idea, whether in-person or not

Voter ID is a good idea, whether in-person or not
By Jonathan Small

If it’s a good idea to require ID to thwart in-person voter fraud, doesn’t it make even more sense to require verification when people vote by absentee ballot, where the potential for stolen ballots and abuse is much higher?

For years Oklahoma has required “absentee voter ID” by requiring those casting an absentee ballot to sign an affidavit that must be notarized. But a recent Oklahoma Supreme Court decision found state law did not mandate notarization.

This week, the Oklahoma Legislature voted overwhelmingly to clarify the law and require notarization, but also loosened procedures during the pandemic for those concerned about contracting COVID-19. Under the bill, individuals voting absentee during a state health emergency do not have to get their affidavit notarized. They must only provide a photocopy of a form of ID, which can include their free state election card.

That’s a sensible way to secure elections and address citizens’ health concerns.
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