Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Former Edmond Mayor Saundra Naifeh endorses Neese for Congress


Oklahoma City, OK – Terry Neese, conservative Republican candidate for Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District, has earned the endorsement of former Edmond City Mayor Saundra Naifeh. In a statement released today, Naifeh urged Republicans in the 5th District to unify behind Neese, the one true conservative in this race who can defeat Kendra Horn and help President Trump deliver his agenda and protect our conservative values from being destroyed by the radical Left.

"I believe in Terry Neese and endorse her as our next Congresswoman," said Naifeh. "I have seen her in action as a leader and a teammate. She stands her ground and blazes new ground.  Join me now and help elect the best person for Our Congressional seat. I know Terry Neese personally, she is a tireless advocate and experienced job creator, she will get results for the 5th district and defend our conservative values."

Naifeh went on to say, "I urge all Republicans in our district to unify behind Terry Neese, the true conservative that can win back this seat for Republicans! I hope all will stand together and join in now to support Terry’s campaign. Let’s send a conservative outsider to Congress next year who will fight for an agenda that will keep us safe, strong, and secure for generations to come."

“Our Congresswoman Kendra Horn has turned her back on our District and is putting Nancy Pelosi’s agenda of resistance before our President’s agenda that will unleash our economy, secure our borders, and protect our Constitution from being destroyed,” said Terry Neese. “I am proud to have Saundra’s support, and I look forward to working together to beat Kendra Horn and ensure our District will once again have a pro-life conservative in Congress who will put the economic and national security interests of the American people first, always.”

from MuskogeePolitico.com