Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hofmeister announces $145M in coronavirus relief funds available to school districts

Hofmeister announces $145 million in coronavirus relief CARES Act funds available to districts, opportunities for additional grants

OKLAHOMA CITY (May 11, 2020) – State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister announced today that nearly $145 million in emergency federal relief is now available to Oklahoma school districts. Provided in the federal Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the funds are Oklahoma’s portion of the $13 billion Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund designated for states after the CARES Act was signed into law in March.

“Like schools across the nation, Oklahoma educators are considering the transition to next school year and preparing for various options that may be brought by the pandemic,” said Hofmeister. “Recognizing the significant learning loss that has resulted from the pandemic, it will be important that districts leverage their ESSER allocations to support students in regaining lost academic ground. We are grateful to Oklahoma’s congressional delegation for their support of the CARES Act.”

Allocations to districts are tied to their proportion of Title I, Part A funds in fiscal year 2020. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act’s Title I, Part A funding is based on the percentage of a school’s eligible student population categorized as low-income, ensuring that federal support reaches the greatest concentration of disadvantaged students. For a list of district ESSER allocations, click here [.xlsx file].
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from MuskogeePolitico.com