Saturday, May 23, 2020

OCPA column: Transparency fuels profanity at Capitol

Transparency fuels profanity at Capitol
By Jonathan Small

As one transitions from a child to adult, perception changes with age. That’s certainly been my experience when it comes to politics.

I first visited the Oklahoma Capitol as a child in the 1980s, going with my parents to advocate on behalf of some of our state’s most vulnerable citizens. Today, I still do the same thing as president of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, advocating for free-market policies that provide the greatest prosperity to the largest number of people.

The response to my work as an adult, however, is not the same as the response I received as a child.

This year OCPA launched our new Legislative Scorecard and a watch list. One of the first bills to be scored was authored by the chair of an appropriations and budget subcommittee who was also part of the House Republican leadership team.
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