Friday, November 15, 2019

National Young Republicans schedule new state convention for Oklahoma YRs

Back in September, the Oklahoma Young Republicans met for their state convention, intending to elect a new slate of officers. The convention broke down in chaos as two factions met an impasse over credentialing. One side simply walked out, while the other side carried on with business.

Following this, the Young Republican National Federation requested that the OKYRs hold a new convention with oversight by the YRNF to ensure no irregularities occur.

Sources indicate that outgoing chairman John Roberts failed to schedule a new convention as requested by the YRNF, so the YRNF voted at their fall meeting to essentially take over the duties of the Oklahoma YR chair in the interim. They have now set a date for a convention re-do to take place in Oklahoma City:

Dear Oklahoma Young Republicans:

The 2019 Oklahoma Young Republican's State Convention will be held on Saturday, December 14th in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  A specific location and time will be sent out in the near future.

In response to issues from the attempted state convention in September, the Young Republican National Federation has agreed to mediate the dispute by hosting the 2019 Oklahoma YR state convention to ensure leadership is duly elected prior to the new year as required by the rules.

Please plan to attend the state convention on Saturday, December 14th!

Rick Loughery
YRNF Chairman

Details will be coming when announced by the YRNF.
