Wednesday, November 20, 2019

LtGov Pinnell coming to Muskogee for trivia night fundraiser for USS Batfish repairs

As a result of the record flooding in May, the USS Batfish submarine located at Muskogee's War Memorial Park was severely damaged, breaking loose of her moorings and had to be secured to prevent it from slipping downstream. The damage is estimated to cost at least a half million dollars, possibly more.

Lieutenant Governor Matt Pinnell is gallantly pitching in on the effort to raise funds to restore and repair the Batfish, an Oklahoma treasure that deserves the attention.

From the Friends of the Muskogee War Memorial Park:

Please join us for Save the Batfish: Trivia Night W/ LT. Gov Matt Pinnell at the Muskogee Civic Center!

The USS Batfish was severely damaged in the record-level flooding of May and the Friends of the Muskogee War Memorial Park have banded together with local businesses and Oklahoma's Lieutenant Governor - Matt Pinnell to test our minds at trivia and raise money for good cause!

November 22, 2019
Happy Hour: 5:00 pm
Trivia: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Muskogee Civic Center 425 Boston Street
Cash Bar • Snacks • 50/50 • Dessert Auction & More!

Individual tickets are $40 and a table of 8 may be purchased for $300

Sponsorships are available!

Enlisted ($500)
•Receive table of 8 for Save the USS Batfish Trivia
•Logo on all advertisements
•5 mulligans for trivia gameplay

Officer ($750)
•Exclusive Meet and Greet with Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell (Before Event)
•Logo displayed during trivia intermissions
•8 USS Batfish T-shirts for your crew!
•Receive table of 8 for Save the USS Batfish Trivia
•Logo on all advertisements
•5 mulligans for trivia gameplay

Admiral (Two Available) $1500
•Exclusive Meet and Greet with Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell (Before Event)
•Logo displayed on all trivia slides during event
•Logo sign placed at entry to USS Batfish for calendar year
•Logo displayed during trivia intermissions
•8 USS Batfish T-shirts for your crew!
•Receive table of 8 for Save the USS Batfish Trivia
•Logo on all advertisements
•5 mulligans for trivia gameplay

For more information please contact | 918.682.6294 or find us on Facebook at

*tickets, sponsorships, and donations are eligible for a tax write off.

As a trivia nut, this sounds like a great event, and if I wasn't already going to be headed out of town I'd try to make it!
