Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Coming Soon: MuskogeePolitico Insiders Panel to comment on 2020 politics

As we draw closer to the 2020 election, campaigns are beginning to heat up. There will be a lot of activity in the next seven to twelve months, with the chance for some major changes in Oklahoma politics.

To comment on some of the more prominent races and rumors, I am putting together a Muskogee Politico Insiders Panel, made up of about a dozen individuals from all across the state. These people have a wide range of experience and access, and come from just about every ideological camp of the Republican party.

Each congressional district is represented on the panel. Panelists come from the private and public sector, and have varying degrees of past and present activism within the Republican Party.

Members have no idea who else is on the panel, and most likely have never met everyone else or ever been in the same place at the same time. Due to the nature of some topics they will be discussing, as well as the arenas the panelists are involved in, each member will remain anonymous.

The first topic on deck -- the 5th Congressional District race. Stay tuned for the first comments by the panel!

Have a news tip, or something you'd like the Insiders Panel to consider discussing? Feel free to contact me via email.

from MuskogeePolitico.com