Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bill filed to name portion of Route 66 after Pres. Trump

Sen. Dahm and Sen. Quinn file bill to create President Donald J. Trump Highway

Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, and Sen. Marty Quinn, R-Claremore, announced Tuesday they have filed Senate Bill 1089 to create the President Donald J. Trump highway on world famous Route 66.

“President Trump has done an outstanding job on behalf of our nation and Oklahoma,” Dahm said. “We feel like this is a perfect opportunity to commemorate the great impact his leadership has had on improving the economy and bringing jobs and commerce back to our great state.”

The renamed section of highway will begin at the intersection of Highland Avenue near Miami and extend north and east through Commerce to the intersection of Industrial Parkway in Ottawa County.

“Oklahoma is in the heart of America,” Quinn said. “Its conservative values of freedom, liberty and limited government are what our country was built on and has made America a strong nation and President Trump continues to fight for these values.”

Rep. Sean Roberts, R-Hominy, will serve as the primary house author for the bill.

“It is an honor to have authored this legislation that will help memorialize President Trump and his contribution to keeping America free and prosperous,” said Roberts. “Many sections of our state highways are named after presidents such as Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. This continues that noble tradition and honors a man who will no doubt be known in our nation’s history as one of our most famous presidents.”

SB 1089 will require that the necessary funds needed for the costs of the signs be covered by the Senate and House authors and co-authors. There will be no cost to the taxpayers for the signs. The bill will be available to be heard in the next legislative session beginning February 2020.

from MuskogeePolitico.com