Tuesday, July 13, 2021

State Rep asks for bizarre and belated election audit, gets rightfully slapped down by Election Board Secretary

Sometimes, I just don't understand why people do things. Over the past several years, and the last year in particular, there are many individuals who were otherwise solid who (at least temporarily) have lost most of the good sense that they previously possessed in a bizarre urge to pander to a certain crowd that will never be satisfied. They know full well what they're doing, and that their pandering will accomplish absolutely nothing other than inflame their intended audience and supposedly transfer some good will in their favor.

I don't blog to make people happy. I speak the truth where I see it. This obsession with indulging the Trump delusion that the election was stolen (and not the result of a botched campaign with a totally undisciplined candidate who undermined his own success at every turn, with the assistance of a willing and hate-filled media) will be the death of conservatism. 

Just stop it already and have some character. Quit selling your integrity to the Trump personality cult, the most views, and the latest outrage clickbait.

The latest in this sad saga is the following press release from State Rep. Sean Roberts. Possessing a voting record that is generally among the most conservative in the legislature, Rep. Roberts was a key player in the Platform Caucus, a core group of staunch conservatives who fought against major tax increases in 2017 and 2018. Now in his final term of office, it seems that Rep. Roberts might have lost some of that principle in a pursuit of cheap support and applause from the lowest common denominator in current GOP fads. Another elected official, further down this shameful track, would be State Sen. Nathan Dahm, but that's for another day. I'll offend enough people with this post for now.

Anyway, first up is the ridiculous Roberts press release, followed by a reasonable and well-stated response by the inimitable Oklahoma State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax.
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by Jamison Faught - July 13, 2021 at 11:47PM

State Rep asks for bizarre and belated election audit, gets rightfully slapped down by Election Board Secretary

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico