Monday, August 24, 2020

'OK Baptists for Abolishing Abortion' endorses Warren Hamilton for State Senate

Oklahoma Baptists for Abolishing Abortion Endorses Warren Hamilton for District 7 Oklahoma Senate

Owasso— August 18, 2020 — Oklahoma Baptists for Abolishing Abortion wholeheartedly endorses Warren Hamilton for the District 7 Senate seat. ‪On Tuesday, August 25th‬ voters living in Oklahoma State Senate District 7 have a great opportunity to choose a principled statesman over a political swamp creature by voting FOR challenger Warren Hamilton over eight-year incumbent Senator Larry Boggs.

We are very disappointed to see the Boggs’ campaign resorting to half-truths and outright lies about Warren Hamilton. As Oklahoma Baptists we want everyone to know that Warren Hamilton is a member in good standing of an Oklahoma Southern Baptist congregation. Any suggestion that he is part of a cult would be laughable if it were not such a libelous lie. We need more people like Warren Hamilton in the Oklahoma Legislature. Warren Hamilton is a convictional conservative who has endorsed the Southern Baptist Resolution on Abolishing Abortion, and less people like Larry Boggs (who will say or do anything to hang onto his political power).
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by Jamison Faught - August 24, 2020 at 08:21AM

'OK Baptists for Abolishing Abortion' endorses Warren Hamilton for State Senate

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico