Saturday, August 1, 2020

OK 2nd Amendment Association endorses Neese in CD5 runoff


Oklahoma City, OK -- While Stephanie Bice peddles downright lies to distract voters from learning the truth about her liberal record as a career politician, Oklahoma pro-gun organizations and conservative leaders know the truth: Terry Neese is the only candidate who can be trusted to stand up for our Second Amendment rights in Congress.

On Friday, the Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association (OK2A) - the state’s leading advocate for Second Amendment rights” - endorsed Terry Neese in the fifth district race. In a Facebook post, OK2A President Don Spencer publicized the Association's endorsement and included a graphic summarizing important factors for voters to consider ahead of the August 25th runoff.

Terry Neese said: “The Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association knows I am the only candidate who can be trusted to help President Trump protect our right to self-defense at all costs - and I am honored to have their endorsement. The radical Left and their socialist agenda pose a direct threat to our Second Amendment rights, but Oklahomans can rest assured I will never back down and will always stand up for our pro-gun values in Congress.”

Leading conservative legislators in Oklahoma also released statements on Friday urging Republican voters to stand with Terry Neese - the only candidate who can be trusted to stand with President Trump and protect our pro-gun values in Congress.

Kevin Calvey, Oklahoma County Commissioner said: “As the author of Oklahoma’s Stand Your Ground law, I know Terry is a rock-solid supporter of our Second Amendment rights. Terry is the only candidate we can trust to stop the radical Left’s assault on our Constitutional freedoms.”

Brian Maughan, Oklahoma County Commissioner said: “Terry Neese represents the best of our conservative values and will make Oklahoma gun owners proud in Congress. She’s the leader we need in Washington to make sure we stop Nancy Pelosi’s anti-gun, unconstitutional agenda once and for all.”

Nathan Dahm, State Senator (SD-33) said: “I endorsed Terry Neese because she is 100% pro-gun, supports Constitutional Carry, and is the clear choice for conservatives who want a Second Amendment champion working alongside President Trump in Congress.”

Terry Neese is a proud gun owner, member of the NRA, and has earned an “AQ” NRA grade by the NRA - the highest possible grade for a candidate without a legislative record. For more information on Terry or her campaign, please visit

by Jamison Faught - August 01, 2020 at 12:10PM

OK 2nd Amendment Association endorses Neese in CD5 runoff

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico