Thursday, January 9, 2020

Planned Parenthood reports record abortions and record taxpayer funding

Surprise, surprise: Planned Parenthood murdered a record number of babies during their 2018-2019 fiscal year while at the same time receiving a record amount of taxpayer money.

Planned Parenthood has released its 2018-2019 annual report and it reveals that the abortion provider, in its last fiscal year (ending June 30, 2019), performed its highest yearly number of abortions on record, while also receiving the highest amount of government funding it has ever received in a year.

Planned Parenthood performed 345,672 abortions in the single year ending June 30, 2019:

This is the highest number of abortions ever performed by the organization in a single year, and represents a 3.88% increase over the previous year.

Planned Parenthood received $616.8 million from taxpayers in its last fiscal year:
This is the highest amount of government funding the group has ever received, and represents a remarkable 9.4% increase over the previous year.
Republicans have campaigned for years on "defunding Planned Parenthood", but never carry through on their pledges when they hold power in Washington. Here's a relevant quote from a post I did back in 2015, shortly after the expose videos broke showing Planned Parenthood leaders talk about selling baby parts:
I am tired of empty promises and vain rhetoric from the Republican leadership in Congress. We've been sold a bill of goods for years about how Republicans are pro-life, and how they're going to do something about it "when we win this coming election", yet time after time they fail to follow through.

We need a new Cato to stand up and shout a modern Delenda est Carthago! from the floor of each respective chamber of Congress.

When Congress returns from August recess, somebody in the House and Senate needs to take to the floor every single day and demand that Planned Parenthood be defunded.

They need to speak on every piece of legislation that comes up in committee or on the floor, and insert that Planned Parenthood needs to be defunded.

They need to amend every piece of legislation in committee or on the floor until Planned Parenthood has been defunded.

Who will be the William Wilberforce of our time, and fight the abortion juggernaut in the halls of power? Who will stand up, carry the banner and fight when no one else will? Who will stand alone and carry the cry until people listen?

If the GOP fails to act on this issue, if they fail to defund Planned Parenthood, if they fail to take a stand, then they deserve a purging the likes of which has never been seen in American history.

Defund Planned Parenthood!

On February 11th, Free The States and various abortion abolitionist groups are hoping to gather 5,000 people at the Oklahoma State Capitol, calling for the immediate and total abolition of abortion in this state:

Child Sacrifice (abortion) is currently legal in Oklahoma but the tide is shifting toward its abolition! The Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act has been introduced in the State Senate by Senator Joseph Silk for the past three years and will be in the Senate again in 2020. In 2019, for the first time, the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act had an organized effort behind it with the creation of Free the States.

Last year, we recruited 1,000 people to the capital building to call for the total and immediate abolition of abortion. On February 11th 2020, we are partnering with The Ekklesia of Oklahoma, Oklahomans United for Life, Operation Save America, Missionaries to the Preborn, Apologia Church and Studios, and Abolitionist Societies across the state to gather 5,000 people at the Capital to demand equal protection for the preborrn in Oklahoma. Please join us!
They are also holding a conference and training sessions, as well as the February 11th rally and street activism. You can learn about that here and here.
