Friday, January 31, 2020

House Dems say Stitt's new health plan "fails"

House Democrats Release Statement on Stitt Health Care Plan

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Minority Leader Emily Virgin (D-Norman) and House Democratic Caucus Health Care Policy Chair Rep. Forrest Bennett (D-OKC) released the following joint statement in response to Gov. Kevin Stitt’s health care announcement today:

“A serious health care plan provides access to health care to all Oklahomans, does so in a way that is equitable to all citizens and is proven to improve health care outcomes. It seems the governor’s plan fails on all three of these points. Under block grants, lawmakers will determine care, not doctors, and unnecessary red tape will limit services amongst the lowest-paid workers in Oklahoma, who also have the highest tax burden. This plan is new and yet to be tested. A straight expansion of Medicaid would invest in services that we know work in other states and in Oklahoma. Finally, a direct expansion has gone through the court process, while the governor’s plan has not. Oklahomans are tired of waiting on their government to do what is right. A straight expansion of Medicaid is the easiest way to increase access to health care in the state, and it has been proven to work in other states.”
