Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Neese releases first digital ad campaign

Conservative Terry Neese Stands With President Trump Against Impeachment

Oklahoma City, OK – Terry Neese, conservative Republican candidate for Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District, released her campaign’s first digital advertisement today.

The 30-second ad, titled “Witch Hunt,” highlights how Kendra Horn is siding with the D.C. elite to impeach President Trump instead of her own constituents who were promised stronger borders, more jobs, and less partisanship. It also calls for Republicans to unify behind Terry Neese, a conservative outsider and proven job creator who has what it takes to hold Horn accountable in 2020 and help President Trump deliver his America First agenda for another four years.

“Kendra Horn sealed her fate by voting with Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff to impeach President Trump – and it’s going to take a conservative outsider to make sure we hold her accountable in November,” said Terry Neese. “We need a Congresswoman in Washington who won’t be scared to stand up to the D.C. elite to protect our values, but Kendra Horn has failed us at every turn. I have spent my entire life and career fighting to better the lives of all Oklahomans, and I know I have what it takes to bring my fight to Capitol Hill and help President Trump put America First.”

A witch hunt. A sham impeachment. Our President, under attack. But Kendra Horn is siding with the D.C. elite. That’s why Oklahoma needs conservative Terry Neese. A successful businesswoman. A conservative leader. Terry will always stand with President Trump and defeat Kendra Horn. Because Terry Neese is the fighter Oklahoma needs. Tough. Experienced. Conservative. Terry Neese For Congress.

For more information on Terry Neese or her campaign, please visit
