Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Neese calls on Horn to support protections for abortion survivors

Call comes as House Minority holds hearing on H.R. 962, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Oklahoma City, OK – Terry Neese, conservative Republican candidate for Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District released the following statement today calling on Democratic Congresswoman Kendra Horn to support H.R. 962, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would provide long overdue protections to innocent human life left vulnerable following an attempted abortion. Neese’s statement comes as House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.), and Pro-Life Caucus Chair Chris Smith (R-N.J.) host a hearing today on the critical need to bring this legislation to a vote on the House Floor.

“Despite overwhelming support and months of Republican efforts, Kendra Horn and other Democrats still refuse to bring the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to a vote,” said Terry Neese. “Instead of fighting for Planned Parenthood and radical abortion extremists in her Party, Kendra Horn needs to start fighting for the voters of the 5th District who want to protect the unborn and innocent human life at all costs. With only 17 signatures needed to get this legislation to the House Floor, I am calling on Kendra Horn to put politics aside and protect abortion survivors by supporting this long-overdue legislation.”

While Democrats in the House have refused to support this critical pro-life legislation, there are currently 201 signatures on a discharge petition designed to bring H.R. 962 to the House Floor. Only 17 more signatures are needed – and Neese assured voters in the 5th District she would be one of them when she is elected to Congress in 2020.

Neese added: “Voters of the 5th District can rest assured – I will proudly support H.R. 962 and I will do everything in my power to protect the unborn when I am elected to Congress.”

For more information on Terry or her campaign, please visit NeeseForCongress.com.

from MuskogeePolitico.com