Monday, September 9, 2019

[] Study attacks OK Supreme Court's 'abuse of power'

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Excerpts and links to the full article are below: [Excerpt] Oklahoma House of Representatives Speaker Charles McCall has appointed House Education Committee Chair Rhonda Baker to serve on the Education Commission of the States (ECS), a national organization that develops education policy ideas and provides state-by-state research for policymakers. [Excerpt] Here’s a statement few people will dispute: Competition works. Yet when it comes to education, some policymakers and most public school employees act as though the way to improve the quality of service to families and their children is to limit their taxpayer-funded choices to just one local option. Proof to the contrary can be seen in the rash of schools now offering 100-percent online education.
  [Excerpt] The 1889 Institute has published “Legislators in Black Robes: Unelected Lawmaking by the Oklahoma Supreme Court.” It makes the case that the Court often decides cases based on what its majority thinks the law ought to be rather than what it actually is. This violates the rule of law, the separation of powers, and robs from Oklahomans their right to self-government. [Excerpt] Oklahoma House of Representatives Speaker Charles McCall today announced that the House will again use the transparent, citizen-driven redistricting process that received bipartisan praise when it was last used in 2011. In addition, the House will enhance the process further by soliciting input from the Oklahoma Supreme Court, executive branch and state, county and local officials in its redistricting effort, which begins next year following the 2020 decennial census. [Excerpt] The state of Oklahoma’s reference to Johnson & Johnson as not living up to its image as “a family company” was in no way intended to cause confusion with the separate and independent company S.C. Johnson. [Excerpt] We recognize that God uses insurance to care for His people and we are grateful for that. However, we believe that as Christians our shared faith in Jesus Christ should be woven throughout every aspect of our lives, including our participation in Christian community within health care. That’s what Samaritan Ministries is all about. [Excerpt] Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) met with industry leaders at Tulsa Tech’s Lemley Campus in Tulsa to discuss the vocational training programs offered by Tulsa Tech and other technical colleges in the area. [Excerpt] I’ve seen some defenders of Oklahoma’s educational status-quo insist that one benefit of the current system is it is untainted by profit motive. That’s a view that can be perpetuated only if one stays in a constant state of willful blindness, because here’s the truth: People are making billions off Oklahoma public schools every year. Every day someone—whether it’s a school employee or private contractor—is making money off public schools.
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