Friday, September 20, 2019

[] A message for Beto + Stitt's first justice + Pinnell and Treat oppose Nat'l Popular Vote push

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Excerpts and links to the full article are below: [Excerpt] Pinnell has a unique background and experience on this matter, given his tenure as state GOP chairman and his time working in conjunction with the RCN and Trump 2016 campaign across the nation. Hopefully he can help counter the NPV/IRPE money and persuade Republican legislators against falling prey to the subversive National Popular Vote campaign. [Excerpt] “The fact is that licensing just makes perfusionists scarcer than they otherwise would be, and since most perfusionist errors are made due to stress and fatigue from overwork, heart patients would be safer with more perfusionists around,” said Schlomach. “The legislature, once again, stepped directly on the Law of Unintended Consequences and added to our risk rather than making us safer,” he said. [Excerpt] Governor J. Kevin Stitt today announced the appointment of Judge M. John Kane, IV to the Supreme Court of Oklahoma. This is Governor Stitt’s first appointment to the state Supreme Court. [Excerpt] This week's Music Monday is The Streets of Laredo, in the style of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations. [Excerpt] During yesterday's Democratic presidential primary debate, third-tier candidate Robert Francis O'Rourke brazenly declared his plan to confiscate firearms from law-abiding Americans if elected President. Way back in 2000, Charlton Heston had a message for gun-grabbers like Beto. [Excerpt] I asked Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat (R-OKC) for his position on the National Popular Vote concept, and whether he would support or oppose such a measure if advanced in the 2020 legislative session. I got a pretty quick response. [Excerpt] If policymakers are serious about reducing health costs and protecting consumers, they need to focus on increasing up-front price transparency and competition in medicine, not expanding government welfare. [Excerpt] Governor Kevin Stitt announced today the appointment of Gary Cox as Oklahoma Commissioner of Health, a position that requires Senate confirmation. [Excerpt] The Oklahoma Secretary of State has concluded an initial count of the signatures submitted for the anti-Constitutional Carry initiative petition, and found that the campaign collected 37,057 signatures, nearly 23,000 fewer than needed to halt the implementation of Constitutional Carry and out the measure up for statewide vote. [Excerpt] All told, since December 2017, IRPE and the National Popular Vote effort have doled out at least $47,017.53 to bring 8 GOP Senators, 7 GOP Representatives, 7 Democratic Senators, 5 Democratic Representatives, and one Democratic legislative staff member to their conferences in Utah, California, Colorado, and Massachusetts, and New York.
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