Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Roberts announces candidacy for House District 83

Eric Roberts announces candidacy for House District 83

Oklahoma City, OK - Businessman Eric Roberts announces his candidacy to serve as State Representative for Oklahoma House District 83, serving neighbors in Edmond, Nichols Hills, the Village, and Oklahoma City. The seat is currently held by first-term Democrat lawmaker Chelsey Branham, who narrowly won the seat in 2018.

As an owner and operator of Colonial Center LTD for 28 years, Eric Roberts has worked diligently to bring jobs to Northwest Oklahoma City.  He stated: “As a small business owner and successful real estate developer, I know that we cannot afford to continue pursuing Rep. Branham’s priorities over the promotion of business development that would benefit all of our residents and the community-at-large. Branham’s commitment to policies that increase taxes, hurt business expansion and advance political and social ideologies at the expense of opportunities for economic growth are not reflective of voters’ expectations. With my proven record in the private sector of promoting and growing businesses, I intend to return the focus of the office to stabilizing and growing our economy, improving schools and assisting Oklahoma’s Turnaround in achieving a Top 10 state ranking in all indicators.  I welcome volunteers to be involved in the effort to take back this seat.”

A third-generation Oklahoman, Eric Roberts earned his degree at Southern Methodist University. He has been married for 25 years and has two children.

Roberts is an active member in civic organizations and his local church. He has been a member of  Rotary Club International since 1992 and serves as a board member of Ozarks Teen Challenge. Upon the appointment of former Mayor Cornett, Roberts also served on the Maps 3 Citizens’ Oversight Committee for the Oklahoma State fairgrounds.

For more information on his candidacy and to join his efforts to represent the people’s priorities, please visit or “like” his campaign on Facebook @Friends of Eric Roberts.
