Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cory Booker weighs in on effort to stop Permitless Carry in Oklahoma

U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), candidate for president in 2020, made this statement of support today for the initiative petition (SQ 803) that seeks to stop the implementation of permitless or 'Constitutional' carry in Oklahoma.

Joshua Harris-Till, President of the Young Democrats of America and a two-time candidate for Congress in Oklahoma's 2nd District, posted the video online.

HB 2597 was the first bill signed into law by Governor Stitt in February 2019, after passing the House by a vote of 70-30 and the Senate by a vote of 40-7. HB 2597 established “Constitutional Carry,” allowing the concealed or unconcealed carry of firearms by any person who is at least twenty-one years of age or at least eighteen years of age and in the military, if the person is not otherwise disqualified to purchase a firearm.

On August 12th, State Rep. Jason Lowe (D-OKC), Joshua Harris-Till (President of Young Democrats of America), the Oklahoma Chapter of Moms Demand Action, and others announced their intent to stop the measure. On August 21st, Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt (Republican, ostensibly) signed the petition.

Opponents of the Constitutional Carry measure are making a big push in the Tulsa and especially the Oklahoma City metros to garner the requisite signatures to put the implementation of the law on hold until the 2020 election.
