Saturday, August 24, 2019

[] Booker, Tulsa mayor on permitless carry petition; WaPo says CD5 2nd-most likely to flip

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Excerpts and links to the full article are below: [Excerpt] File this under A Tale of Two Cities Mayors. Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum weighed in the other day on the initiative petition that aims to stop permitless/Constitutional carry from going into law. His position? Not that of fellow Republican Mayor David Holt of Oklahoma City, who signed the petition. Bynum won't jump in on the petition.  [Excerpt] U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), candidate for president in 2020, made this statement of support today for the initiative petition (SQ 803) that seeks to stop the implementation of permitless or 'Constitutional' carry in Oklahoma.  [Excerpt] Growing up, my parents worked multiple jobs. As an adult, my wife and I have done the same. Now some prominent politicians suggest that two-job workers are a sign of economic weakness. That shows they don’t understand family budgets or the truth about the broader economy.  [Excerpt] The Washington Post's political analysis blog The Fix published a list today of the "top 10 House races of 2020", and Oklahoma's 5th District lands in at number two.  [Excerpt] Terry Neese, one of the Republican candidates seeking to flip the 5th Congressional District red again, is out with a statement indicating her opposition to the anti-Second Amendment campaign. [Excerpt] Oklahoma’s teacher-hiring woes have made national headlines and lawmakers have increased state spending by hundreds of millions of dollars in response. But the impact of that spending may be hampered by the fact that colleges of education are doing a mediocre job of preparing teachers. [Excerpt] OKC Mayor David Holt has signed on to the initiative petition that aims to repeal Oklahoma's pending permitless carry (aka Constitutional Carry) legislation that is set to go into effect in November.
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