Thursday, March 14, 2019

State House Passes Bill to Protect Election Integrity

House Passes Bill to Protect Election Integrity

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a bill Tuesday evening to authorize the State Election Board to check various databases to confirm the citizenship status of a person registering to vote.

House Bill 2429 by Rep. Sean Roberts, R-Hominy, authorizes the State Election Board to conduct a data validation of Oklahoma’s voter registration database with other state and federal databases to confirm someone’s citizenship status.

“This bill would help restore faith in the electoral process by verifying only those prescribed by law are voting,” Roberts said. “Our democracy is based on the principle of each citizen having one vote, and this bill is another safeguard to protect the integrity of elections within our state.”

Roberts said the measure is especially necessary in the case of close elections, such as last year’s attorney general primary race.

HB2429 passed the House floor with a 66-26 vote and now moves to the Senate for consideration.

Rep. Sean Roberts, a Republican, serves District 36 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, which includes Osage and Tulsa Counties.
