Thursday, March 7, 2019

School Choice supporters to rally at State Capitol today

Parents and Advocates Rally at Oklahoma State Capitol for School Choice 
Groups tell lawmakers: "Put children first"

Parents and educational groups will be gathering for the annual School Choice Day at the Oklahoma State Capitol today (March 7) beginning at 11 AM. Hundreds of parents will be in attendance to meet with legislators and advocate for policies that protect and expand the right of parents to determine where and how to educate their children. The group will hear from several speakers, including state lawmakers.

“Our message to lawmakers is simple: put children first" said Robert Ruiz, executive director for ChoiceMatters. "Children are more important than systems or buildings, and our policies should reflect that. If we are thinking first and foremost about the well-being of our children it means always giving them and their family a choice to find the best educational opportunities available to them. It means never telling a family 'no' simply to preserve a system or to protect the status quo."

Ruiz said attendees will be advocating for policies like support for charter schools, expansion of the Equal Opportunity Scholarship program and tax credits, and expansion of Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships to help homeless children and the children of incarcerated parents. 

School Choice Capitol Day

  • What: Capitol rally in support of school choice policies
  • Who: Parents, students and school choice advocates
  • When: March 7, 11 AM - 1 PM
  • Where: Fourth Floor Rotunda, Oklahoma State Capitol Building
