Wednesday, March 6, 2019

State House passes bill to grant American Legion tax-exempt status

Rep. Sanders Comments on Passage of Bill to Grant American Legion Tax-Exempt Status

OKLAHOMA CITY – House Majority Leader Mike Sanders today commented on passage of his bill that would exempt the American Legion Department of Oklahoma from sales tax.

House Bill 1003 passed the House by a unanimous vote of 94-0. It now advances to the state Senate.

“The American Legion has been in Oklahoma for 100 years serving our state veterans and their families as well as our youth through a variety of patriotic education programs and outreach ministries,” said Sanders, R-Kingfisher. “The Legion also promotes a mission of strong national security. It deserves the same tax-exempt status that other organizations with similar missions already have.”

Sanders said this bill was the first piece of legislation he filed when he was first elected to the House of Representatives. The state’s economy precluded the bill from being advanced until this year. He’s optimistic with the state’s current revenue surplus the bill will be passed and signed into law this year.
