Wednesday, March 15, 2023

OCPA supports drivers licenses for illegals because they're "already driving on our roads"

I admit to being somewhat baffled about the state of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs in recent years.

I was troubled by the antagonism and outright hostility they displayed toward valid concerns by the homeschool community last year when OCPA was pushing a "school choice" bill by Sen. Greg Treat. This was followed by the stunning announcement that OCPA supports expanding the sales tax to include services in Oklahoma, a multi-billion dollar tax hike primarily on the backs of small businesses.

Now? OCPA is seemingly abandoning all good sense and advocating in favor of giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants because... "these people are already driving on our roads" and pay taxes?

There's been some serious compromise on their espoused conservative principles, and my bet is that it's likely driven by the folks with the purse strings that keep their lights on (for example, they've received millions over the years from groups like the Walton Family Foundation, which advocates liberal views of immigration).

Tremendously disappointing.

Read on for to see the serious disconnect in OCPA's logic for yourself:

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by Jamison Faught - March 15, 2023 at 07:32AM

OCPA supports drivers licenses for illegals because they're "already driving on our roads"

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico