Thursday, June 2, 2022

OK House Dems respond to recent shootings with major gun control proposal

True to form, Oklahoma House Democrats can't let a "crisis go to waste" in their desire to torch constitutional gun rights. They jumped in front of the cameras with a major gun control proposal. 

By the way, also true to form, none of what they came up with would have stopped the killers in the recent shootings they referenced. The modern Democratic Party is consumed with destroying the Constitution at just about every turn, but especially the Second Amendment. Just look north of the border to what Canada's little tyrant Trudeau is doing for what they'd really like to copy.

Needless to say, this won't go anywhere in the Oklahoma Legislature.

Democrats Push for Solutions to Gun Violence with SAVE Act

OKLAHOMA CITY (June 2nd) -- The House Democratic Caucus today at a press conference announced a series of responsible public-safety measures meant to prevent gun violence.

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by Jamison Faught - June 02, 2022 at 09:06PM

OK House Dems respond to recent shootings with major gun control proposal

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico