Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Now Public: State Auditor's response to persistent allegations by OCPAC President

The Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC) has a decades-long history of involvement in Oklahoma politics, most famously under founder and longtime president Charlie Meadows. Meadows retired from leading the group in 2015, and there seems to have been a shift in direction and focus under the latest OCPAC president, Bob Linn.

For over a year now, Linn has been fixated on State Auditor Cindy Byrd, making almost weekly references to her in OCPAC emails regarding the 2017 financial mismanagement scandal at the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Linn has made numerous open records requests and claims that Byrd is dragging her feet and attempting "to thwart [his] attempt to reveal the full truth regarding the OSDH scandal."

Today, the blog Ignite Liberty posted a letter that Byrd sent in October to OCPAC board members, the first public revelation of this other than a brief mention by Linn in an OCPAC email the following week:

Ignite Liberty Exclusive: State Auditor Issues Response to OCPAC Allegations 
[excerpt; full article link]

Anyone who receives the weekly emails from OCPAC or have attended any of their meetings over the past year plus knows that OCPAC President Bob Linn has continuously criticized State Auditor and Inspector Cindy Byrd and her office for an alleged lack of timeliness in response to numerous Open Records Requests that Mr. Linn had submitted through an entity known as Corporations Funding Education, and not through OCPAC itself.

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by Jamison Faught - March 22, 2022 at 07:53AM

Now Public: State Auditor's response to persistent allegations by OCPAC President

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico