Monday, November 23, 2020

House Dems rebuke GOP legislators for "trying to overturn another state’s election"

Democrats Respond to OK Republicans Attempt to Influence AZ Election

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma House Democratic Caucus members released the following statements in response to seventy Oklahoma Republican legislators attempting to persuade the Arizona Legislature to appoint electors to vote against the state’s official vote count winner.   

“Oklahoma Republicans continue to support a Governor who hides behind the term ‘local control’ when refusing to protect Oklahomans during this pandemic,” said House Minority Leader Emily Virgin, D-Norman. “Now, proving that ‘local control’ is just a talking point to use only when it suits them, Oklahoma Republicans are trying to overturn another state’s election - a state 1,000 miles away. Meanwhile, they remain silent on the real issues facing our state and cannot be bothered to speak up about record-high COVID cases, deaths, and hospitalizations. Oklahomans deserve better.”  
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by Jamison Faught - November 23, 2020 at 07:47PM

House Dems rebuke GOP legislators for "trying to overturn another state’s election"

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico