Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day: Voting Tips and Picks

Election Day: it has finally arrived. 

Voters all across the state are now heading to the polls to decide the future direction of their communities, state, and nation. This post will cover some information and recommendations that may be helpful with your voting plans. 

No candidate is perfect. Vote for the candidate that will advance the most good and prevent the most evil (that's generally the Republican). The Democratic Party platform is literally full of and a celebration of things God hates. If I don't specifically mention a race, default to giving the Republican candidate your vote.

Here are some comments of mine on a few select races:

President: Donald Trump and Mike Pence (Republican). I was a Never Trumper in 2016. I looked at Donald Trump and did not trust him. His behavior was (and still is, to a large degree) repulsive, and he clearly did not (and still does not) exhibit character that demonstrates true Biblical conversion. I did not believe that he would follow through on his pledged conservative policies, and so I cast a protest vote for a third party candidate.

I am happy to have been wrong on many of my misgivings about Trump. While I still cringe at many of his behaviors and wish that he would just behave, he has largely followed through on his 2016 campaign pledges. No president has done more to advance the cause of the unborn. His administration has championed religious liberty. His administration generally did a fantastic job on the economy. His foreign policy, especially as it relates to the Middle East and North Korea, has produced results that few could have dreamed of. His handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been better than he's given credit for, mainly due to his tendency to trip his own progress up with stupid actions and statements.
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by Jamison Faught - November 03, 2020 at 07:00AM

Election Day: Voting Tips and Picks

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico