Wednesday, April 29, 2020

40 pastors and religious leaders endorse David Hill for Congress

40 Faith Leaders Announce Support for David Hill

OKLAHOMA CITY — A growing list of faith leaders announced their support for conservative Republican David Hill in his race for Congress. Already numbering 40, these faith leaders span the entire district.

"We are excited to have a candidate of the quality of David Hill in the race," stated Paul Abner, an Oklahoma minister for 40 years, who helped organize the group. "Far too often the faith community is either ignored or taken for granted in politics. David Hill has taken the time to visit with us and knows how important faith issues like the right-to-life and religious liberty are to those he intends to represent," Abner continued.

"David Hill has a deep understanding of the importance of both faith and the faith community," stated Dr. Ted Kersh, one of the pastors on the list. "David’s personal faith and the value he places upon issues important to us is evident from the first moment you visit with him," Kersh continued.

Steve Green, President of Hobby Lobby and Board Chairman for Museum of the Bible is among those listed. Green also serves as a co-chair for the Hill campaign.

"I am excited to have this grassroots support," stated candidate David Hill. "Faith and family have always been paramount to me. Kendra Horn can have her Nancy Pelosi or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez support, but I prefer the endorsements of these folks who serve so many families in Oklahoma’s 5th District," Hill stated.

"We encourage ministers, pastors, and other faith leaders to join us in supporting a champion for us, David Hill," Abner concluded. "You can view the growing list of faith leaders and even join our coalition on the website."

David Hill is a devout Christian who, along with his wife Shannon, co-founded Providence Hall Classical Christian School, which is now The Academy of Classical Christian Studies. Married for 26 years, they have six children. In addition to serving as the CEO of Mar-K manufacturing, the nation’s leader in manufacturing parts for classic cars, Hill also developed the successful iPray app for smartphones.

Those currently on the list of Faith Leaders for David Hill are:

Steve Green, Oklahoma City*
Paul Abner, Oklahoma City
Blake Gideon, Edmond
David Jarvis, Edmond
Ted Kersh, Edmond
Bill Hulse, Oklahoma City
Craig Dacus, Oklahoma City
Vicki Dacus, Oklahoma City
David Brooks, Oklahoma City
Mike Keahbone, Oklahoma City
Bob Rutherford, Midwest City
Bryan Gilbert, Oklahoma City
Tobin Jackson, Oklahoma City
Doug Melton, Oklahoma City
Eddy Brewer, Oklahoma City
Walter Mullican, Oklahoma City
John Frawley, Oklahoma City
Nick Atayia, Seminole
Marquise Miller, Oklahoma City
Paul Kersh, Oklahoma City
Isaac Tucker, Midwest City
Kelley Tucker, Midwest City
Ernie Wright, Midwest City
Gene Allen, Nicoma Park
Chris Holder, Oklahoma City
Greg Garvie, Oklahoma City
Harry Black, Oklahoma City
Heath Sapp, Seminole
John Johnson, Bethany
Mark Walters, Nicoma Park
Jay Hawpe, Oklahoma City
Jeff Patterson, Oklahoma City
Ryan Redwine, Oklahoma City
Dan Maxwell, Edmond
Chad Bernard, Edmond
Donnie Knight, Shawnee
Claude Bryant, Choctaw
Craig Eidson, Piedmont
Brian Hill, Edmond
Don Jonker, Tecumseh
*Campaign Co-Chair
