Wednesday, December 18, 2019

OKGOP launches "2020 Challenge"

From Oklahoma Republican Party chairman David McLain:

"The Democrats' witch-hunt and their progressive, socialistic way of conducting a fake impeachment process has gone too far. Kendra Horn has sided with Nancy Pelosi to impeach President Trump. It's time to take the step to join me in removing Kendra Horn from office. I need your help and resources to win back the 5th Congressional District. 

Everyday Republicans ask how they can help. My reply is to take the "2020 Challenge" with me: $20 per month for 20 months. Our goal is to have 2,020 commitments by the first of March 2020. 

Sign up on our website, like I did, and join me in fighting back against these progressives who want to strip our liberties and freedoms from us. 

Will you join me and be part of the solution?"
