Thursday, December 19, 2019

OKGOP comments on Dems and Kendra Horn's impeachment vote

From the Oklahoma Republican Party:
Yesterday, Oklahoma's fifth District US Congresswoman Kendra Horn joined Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in a partisan vote to impeach President Donald Trump. In so doing, she rejected her own district and state, who overwhelmingly supported President Trump for the presidency. Instead of representing her home district, she went to Washington DC and developed a record as an obstructionist who allowed personal emotions and partisan allies direct decisions instead of following the US Constitution and the will of the people.

Elections have consequences. We now are seeing in plain sight what the narrow victory that Congresswoman Horn, funded by now Democrat candidate for President, New York's Michael Bloomberg did to our state with his $400,000 invested in her campaign last minute. We must raise funds to defeat Horn and stop out of state liberal interests from controlling our Oklahoma votes in the future.

Last evening, after her vote, she was caught on video avoiding cameras and refusing to answer questions on why she voted as she did. Why? Because she only answers to her out of state liberal friends. Not Oklahomans.

Congresswoman Horn must be defeated. We need American Patriots who will work together to #TakeBackthe5th for America, for our State, for our President, and for our nation to preserve our liberty.

David McLain, Chairman
Oklahoma Republican Party
