Monday, April 15, 2019

Comanche County requests to intervene in State Opioid Lawsuit

Comanche County Requests to Intervene in State Opioid Lawsuit

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Board of County Commissioners for Comanche County, represented by the law firms of Fulmer Sill, and Zelbst, Holmes and Butler, as well as the Lanier Law Firm, have requested the Court in the State of Oklahoma’s opioid lawsuit to allow Comanche County to become a party in order to protect its interests.

As a result of the State’s settlement with Purdue, a meager $12.5 million, or roughly 5%, of the monies will be allocated to cities and counties. Oklahoma has 597 municipalities and 77 counties, which means a potential allocation to Comanche County in the amount of $18,545.99. This equates to roughly 15 cents per Comanche County resident to combat the opioid epidemic.

Matt Sill, co-founder of Fulmer Sill, said there is not a one-size-fits all approach to the opioid crisis.

“I have been repeatedly told by Comanche County officials and other local governments that community-based solutions are key to beating this epidemic because communities are on the frontlines of the problem and the resources needed vary across the State.”

For decades, Oklahoma cities and counties have endured substantial damages and expended countless resources on the opioid crisis, and these damages are anticipated to continue under the current settlement agreement. Additionally, Defendants in the case have claimed that a majority of the damages at issue in the State’s case are in fact damages suffered by local governments and not recoverable by the State.

“The settlement with Purdue by the State raises concerns that local communities are going to be considered last in terms of allocating resources to combat the opioid crisis,” said Sill.
