Thursday, September 23, 2021

Lankford: Someone remind Biden he works for Americans, not the other way around

Someone Remind Joe Biden He Works For Americans, Not The Other Way Around
By Senator James Lankford (R-OK)

Oklahomans don’t like the government telling them what to do. No matter what it is.

I’ve talked to countless Oklahomans who were as shocked as I was when Joe Biden said in a recent speech that he had “lost patience” with the American people and demanded that Americans get a COVID- 19 shot. China and Russia lay down demands on their citizens. In America, we have personal responsibility and freedom. The President can advise and encourage, but not demand.  

President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed oversaw the development and distribution of three COVID-19 vaccines in record time. As of today, more than 179 million Americans, including everyone in my family, have made the choice to receive the full COVID-19 vaccine regimen. It may be the only issue where President Trump and President Biden agree. They both recommend the vaccine. But, President Biden has pushed well beyond a recommendation, now he wants to create a mandate.

We don’t live in a country where our leaders can ignore the facts, the science, and the will of the people and require their way or the highway. It’s not how a government of, by, and for the people works, and it will not work in Oklahoma. Our nation will also see more economic chaos because millions of workers will change jobs rather than take the vaccine. President Biden should not push people to leave their career because of his preference for the vaccine. Give people options and let them choose, that is America.  

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by Jamison Faught - September 23, 2021 at 04:50PM

Lankford: Someone remind Biden he works for Americans, not the other way around

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico