Monday, February 1, 2021

House Dems: Stitt's State of the State address was "divise" and "revisionist history"

Earlier today, Governor Stitt gave his State of the State address, and I posted reactions from GOP leaders. Here is the other side of the aisle, as expected, decrying everything Stitt said:

House Democratic Caucus Responds to State of the State Address

OKLAHOMA CITY -- House Minority Leader Emily Virgin, D-Norman, released the following statement in response to Gov. Kevin Stitt’s State of the State Address: 

“We heard a rosy picture painted by the Governor today, but the reality is that his actions, or more often, his failure to act, have cost Oklahomans financially, emotionally, and physically. 

“At times during the past year, instead of focusing on our state’s pandemic response and at times our surging COVID case numbers and hospitalizations, Gov. Stitt has been distracted by national politics and political patronage.

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by Jamison Faught - February 01, 2021 at 10:06PM

House Dems: Stitt's State of the State address was "divise" and "revisionist history"

Click the title to read the entire article at Muskogee Politico