Friday, June 5, 2020

NRA endorses Bice in 5th District GOP primary

Stephanie Bice Earns Only NRA Endorsement in OK-05 Congressional Race

OKLAHOMA CITY (June 4, 2020) - Stephanie Bice, conservative Republican candidate in Oklahoma’s 5thCongressional District, today announced that she is the only CD5 candidate that has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association.

Bice credited her conservative voting record and efforts to preserve Second Amendment rights in the Oklahoma State Senate with helping her earn the endorsement.

“I’m honored to be the only candidate in this race to receive the endorsement of the NRA and the only one with a proven voting record of supporting the Second Amendment,” Bice said. “In my time in the Senate, I have always stood with law-abiding gun owners, and I will continue to do so in Congress.”

Founded in 1871, the NRA is more than an association of hunters and sports shooters.  It is the oldest civil rights organization in America, founded to preserve and protect our rights under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
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