Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Barresi suspending public campaign activities, moving to virtual/electronic during COVID-19 threat

Campaign moves to virtual and electronic communication to ensure safety of Oklahomans 

Oklahoma City––Today, Janet Barresi Republican candidate for Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District, implemented important precautions to help ensure the safety and well-being of our fellow Oklahomans.

Janet Barresi stated, “As we all know, these are indeed unique and difficult times. The COVID-19 virus threatens us all and with my decades of experience as a healthcare provider, I am keenly aware of the risk of transmission of the virus to each of us and our loved ones. I urge you to heed the recommendations of President Trump, his expert task force and the Centers for Disease Control. Friends, we are all settling into the new normal and each of us prays that this time of self-quarantine and social distancing will be very short. Your health, your family’s health and the health of all Oklahomans is paramount. That is why I wanted to inform you of some necessary changes we are instituting for our campaign. We have taken steps to suspend all in-person campaigning and fundraising appointments. In addition, all fundraising events are postponed until that time when we are advised that it is safe to resume normal activities. I will still be pursuing a vigorous schedule of outreach to Oklahomans in the 5th Congressional District but I will do it using electronic and virtual communication.

Those of you that know me understand that I am not a fan of “keeping my distance” from voters. I enjoy meeting you, shaking your hand and listening to your thoughts about the serious issues facing our country. However, we have a serious challenge facing all of us. From what I know of spending a lifetime in Oklahoma, raising a family and operating a successful small business, I have been privileged to see the strength and resiliency of Oklahomans. I have no doubt we will make it through this together and come out on the other side better and stronger as a state and as individuals. So, until I get to greet you in person again I will lift you and your family up in prayer for your safety, health and well-being,” Barresi concluded.

from MuskogeePolitico.com