Saturday, July 13, 2019

AG Hunter celebrates Pro-Life win as judge upholds dismemberment abortion ban

Attorney General Hunter Celebrates Pro-Life Victory as an Oklahoma County Judge Upholds Law to Prohibit Dismemberment Abortions

OKLAHOMA CITY – Attorney General Mike Hunter today secured an important victory for unborn children as Oklahoma County District Judge Cindy Truong upheld a 2015 state law that bans dismemberment abortions.

The legislation, House Bill 1721, bans the gruesome practice of dismembering unborn children while they are still alive in the womb.

“Dismemberment abortions are barbaric, brutal and subject unborn children to more cruelty that we allow for death row inmates,” Attorney General Hunter said. “It is unconscionable to think that we would allow this practice to continue. Judge Truong is to be commended for declaring this legislation constitutional. Today is a major victory for basic human decency in Oklahoma.”

Dismemberment abortions are typically performed during the second trimester of pregnancy. During the procedure, the living child is dismembered, limb by limb, until it bleeds to death, and the remains are extracted from the womb.

When passed, HB 1721 received overwhelming, bipartisan support from both chambers of the legislature.
