Friday, May 24, 2019

City of Muskogee, Corps of Engineers release new inundation map for Muskogee area

From the City of Muskogee:


The U.S Army Corps of Engineers released a new inundation map for Muskogee to city officials this morning. This map shows projected areas where floodwaters may reach, which is more extensive than originally anticipated. Please consult the map for details.  Be advised that this map does not show the amount of water in any given area, or the projected depth. Residents are urged to consider roadways and other points of entry and exit to their property before traveling. These points may be in lower lying areas than residential structures. 

This map is based upon engineering projections, not guarantees. It is intended to be a planning tool for Emergency Management.

This new information from the United States Army Corps of Engineers indicate City services may be impacted as early as noon tomorrow.

The City’s highest priority is keeping the water treatment plant functional.  The National Guard has worked with city staff throughout the night adding berms at the water treatment plant in an effort to hold back the floodwaters. The water plant, at the timing of this release, is fully functional. However, as waters continue to rise and new projects are made, there is a possibility that the water plant may temporarily be unable to produce water. If this happens, it may occur as early as noon on Saturday. 

If the water plant suspends operations, Emergency Management officials will order a mandatory water rationing. This will ensure that the City’s reserve supply of water will last for three days beyond Saturday. Regardless, there is no possibility of water contamination.

Residents are urged to have a minimum additional three-day reserve supply of water.

Fire response would then be limited to structures with human lives in danger.

River water has reached the Muskogee Pollution Control plant and it is out of service at this time.  We do not anticipate this to impact citizens and we are in compliance with ODEQ regulations at this time.

We will post frequent updates on the City of Muskogee Emergency Management Facebook Page.

Flood Inundation Map
